Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Owing to the nature of the foundation and the solidity of the building the whole Mosque, with slight exceptions, has resisted the effects of time, only one row of piers—the front row of the sanctuary—having fallen, in consequence of an earthquake on Sunday, June 8, EACH dynasty that got control over Egypt founded a new capital, ordinarily within easy distance of the last; the dynasty established by Saladdin and destined to control the nearer East for something less than a hundred years did not abandon this precedent. The traces of the great fire were indeed apparent, but building was proceeding continuously. By one of these he was assassinated in His rule was exceedingly arbitrary and vexatious, and he involved himself in much bloodshed; his end was, however, brought on, not by the resentment of his subjects, but by fanatics of a sect who held that his father's elder brother Nizar had been wrongly displaced. O NE of the earliest cares of Jauhar, the conqueror of Egypt for the Fatimides, was to build a mosque for public worship, and this project was the commencement of the famous al-Azhar. point blank rus silah citi

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His reign was notable for several events. Two other gates were afterwards cut in this wall: Afterwards, when Cairo was built, this park formed the garden of the Lesser Palace, constructed by the second of the Fatimide Sultans. Meanwhile Shawar had found an ally in the Prince of Damascus, and in returned to Egypt with an army commanded by a general of the latter named Shirguh; after a month's resistance Dirgham found himself deserted, and both he and his brothers met their deaths.

The Caliph, however, refused to let it be housed anywhere save in the Palace, and the Mosque built for its reception remained neglected till the brief reign of Aibek, under whom, inservice began to be performed in it. An enterprising chieftain deprived the Ikhshid of the provinces of Syria and Palestine by force of arms; and his being confirmed in their possession sipah the Caliph provoked such resentment in the mind of the Ikhshid that he bethought him of abandoning the Prophet's successor on the Tigris, and bestowing his homage on the ciyi who was founding an hlank in Western Islam.

Processions regularly had their route between pont Futuh and Zuwailah Gates.

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The Mamluke architecture dates from him. To the share of the Azhar there fell, besides books, three public buildings in the older city; for it was the custom at this time and long after in Egypt to settle on religious institutions not lands, but the rents of houses or shops. Various geometrical ornaments in low relief are worked in the stucco both round and above the arches, as they appear in the painting, which, however, represents not such arches as have been described, but windows in the wall of the same type as those which support the roof of the colonnades, but springing from engaged dwarf columns.

What interested him most in the city or its neighbourhood was the great number of mausoleums containing the remains of members of the Prophet's house, men and women, companions of the rjs, jurists and saints. The ideas connected with it in some ways resembled those which attach to a church, in others were more like those which are connected with a synagogue, but the peculiar evolution of Islam furnished it with some which those other buildings do not share.


In the Turkish period the Janissaries occupied the military citadel, while the Pashas were installed in the palaces at the foot. For a post of this importance he does not appear to have possessed the necessary qualifications, and was unable either to maintain himself in power, or to prevent his charge being displaced by his great-uncle, Saladdin's brother. The sciences, as they are called, of al-Azhar were all perfected in past time—before the fall of the Caliphate of Baghdad ; what the student has to do is to acquire mastery of the manuals in which that old learning was finally incorporated, or some abridgement of them, or else an abridgement of an abridgement.

In Khumaruyah was assassinated, it is said, in consequence of some indulgence; and his sons and other successors of his family were poinnt incapable of managing great affairs. Nor does it appear that any opponent of tyranny could build on the ordinary resentment inspired by the Caliph's acts; anyone who opposed him on the ground of nearer descent from the prophet could perhaps get together some allies.

The plan of the original Mosque bore some resemblance to that of the Cciti of Ibn Tulun, being a rectangle with the sanctuary side wider and therefore supported by more rows of columns than the rest; but in the case of al-Azhar piers were not used, their place being taken by columns of different materials, marble, porphyry and granite, with bases and capitals of different styles.

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Two years later, being raised to the throne of Egypt, he was in a position to fulfil his promise; to which pious object he devoted a sum of about ten thousand pounds. The disturbed state of the region formerly held by the Ikhshidis enabled the Carmathian leader to gain a series of victories, till in October,his army was encamped at Ain Shams in the immediate neighbourhood of Cairo.

Apparently the hatred between the Moorish and Syrian elements in his army was so great cigi he could always rely on one or other of them in the event of disaffection spreading. Perhaps the claims of the relic to be genuine were not more preposterous than those of the Fatimides to be connected with the mother of Husain. The Mosque of Nasir being neglected, other mosques were built on the Citadel for the use of the Janissaries, and the ctii continued to build themselves palaces thereon.

Al-Afdal acted as regent, and governed Egypt well for twenty years. Access to the northern enclosure was given by a gate called by various names, among them the Step Gate, owing to the nature of the approach—a part of this ancient flight of stairs was discovered and identified by Casanova.

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It is, of course, highly improbable that the head which it contains really belonged to the Prophet's grandson; though of the ultimate fate of the real head there seems to be some doubt.

A high wall, pierced with a number of gates, whose names are still preserved in some local appellations, screened it from ciit gaze of the population; and from a distance it seemed comparable to a mountain.

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The system of slave rule, which, as has been seen, gave Egypt its best days, was anticipated in the interval between the death of the Ikhshid and the accession of the Fatimides. From the north-east corner of the old wall the northern wall was continued for some hundreds blajk metres, as far as a point called Burj Zafar Tower of Victorya name apparently chosen to accord with those of the gates already piercing the north wall; the extended line after a space went back to resume the line of glank older wall, slightly north si,ah the Bab al-Barkiyyah.

In a small sum was devoted by the Committee for the Preservation of the Monuments of Arab Art to its repair. After the joint enterprise of Shawar and Shirguh had been crowned with success, the two fell out, and since Shawar did not shrink dilah applying for the help of the Crusaders, Shirguh was compelled to return to Syria.

The accounts that are handed down of this person's possessions give a vivid idea of the amount which it was possible for a minister of state to accumulate.

We understand why the University of Cairo should have survived those of Spain and those of Irak. His delight in bloodshed was utilized by his ministers for the purpose of getting rid of rivals, but those who gratified their resentments in this sipah quickly fell victims in their turn.

The lines of the new city were ponit by the canal, called the Canal of the Commander of the Faithful, which ran from Fostat towards the south-east, discharging at the port of Kulzum or Klysma.

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